February 5, 2008

Erinnerungen an Ava... | Remembering Ava...

...die bezaubernde kleine Tochter meiner lieben Freundin Sheye...ich kann einfach nicht glauben, das schon 1 Jahr vergangen ist...die Erinnerungen an die tragischen Geschehnisse sind einfach noch so frisch...

Bitte nehmt euch Zeit und lest Ava´s Geschichte und zündet eine Kerze für sie und ihre Familie an.
...the beautiful little girl of my dear friend Sheye...I can´t believe it´s been a year...the memories of the tragic happenings are just so fresh...
Please take some time to read Ava´s story and light a candle for her and her family.

Ich habe diese Ballons schon vor einem Jahr für sie steigen lassen...und ich werde es wieder tun...für dich kleine "Superprinzessin"...
I have let those balloons fly for her one year ago...and I´m doing it again...for you precious little superprincess...

Du fehlst uns süße Ava...wir werden dich niemals vergessen kleine "Superprinzessin"............
Missing you sweet Ava...we´ll never forget you little superprincess............

1 comment:

Toni said...

I WILL now teach my children the importance of staying out of a parked car, and how to blow the horn. I'm SO sorry for your lose. Let me be the first to thank you for this post. I will be actively teaching my children now, even in the winter, to understand the dangers of staying in the car.

No one should have to go through this, but thank you for demonstrating such strength that would think to be warning others.

You're family is TRUELY an inspiration.